Club Penguin Field Op #4 Cheats
Posted by Tech163 on July 5, 2010 under MissionsClub Penguin released its brand new field op, Field Op #4. It’s relatively more time consuming than the previous ones. To begin, walk to the EPF Command Center.
To begin, walk to the couch, as described, which is located in the Lodge Attic.
Here are the directions:
Engage! This field op is kind of confusing, so let me explain it bit by bit. Your exact puzzle will vary.
As said before, solving this puzzle is time consuming. I will explain it as best as I can, so read it carefully. I have decided to give many of the objects name to simplify my job of describing them.
The goal is to make all of the 4 batteries (in red rectangles) green. To do so, you will have to fill them up with electricity. You will be operating a vehicle which will withdraw electricity from the command center (in white), and transport it to one of the batteries. Meanwhile, you will have to avoid the red creatures. At the end, you will earn a medal, and you will eventually be able to redeem it for items.
I think these Field Ops are pretty cool. They are much better than missions since they are faster to solve, and Club Penguin can make more of them in a shorter amount of time. How do you like them? Tell me all about it!
its changed but i ts stil lat the seat but the places heve beaan other!