I had a tinkaview with littlemisscutiepie about Tinkatolli and it was really cool listening to what she had to say.
This is littlemisscutiepie who has been playing Tinkatolli for 24 days. I asked littlemisscutiepie:
- Loki Terry: What are the things you like about Tinkatolli?
- littlemisscutiepie: I like how you can use yur imagination and they really try to help you interact with the real world
- littlemisscutiepie: so you are not just sitting at the computer alday
- Loki Terry: it’s really awesome 🙂
- Loki Terry: yeah!!
- littlemisscutiepie: Soo agreed
- Loki Terry: What do you think about makeables built in by tinkas in real life?
- littlemisscutiepie: There are soo many creative kids out there and their creativity isnt very appreciated
- littlemisscutiepie: but on here they can show it to everyone and people can share the interests
- littlemisscutiepie: its a really good way of letting your light shine out
- littlemisscutiepie: your light as in your talent
- Loki Terry: yeah – that is so true, it’s really cool that our submissions are shown and everyone can share
- Loki Terry: what they do!
- littlemisscutiepie: Yeah. 🙂
- Loki Terry: What is your favorite room on Tinkatolli?
- littlemisscutiepie: like do you mean the places?
- Loki Terry: yeah
- littlemisscutiepie: rriigghhtt…
- littlemisscutiepie: umm..
- littlemisscutiepie: probably junkatolli
- Loki Terry: and why junkatolli? 🙂
- littlemisscutiepie: coz you can get really cool stuff there and i really enjoy making the things that are there! 🙂
- littlemisscutiepie: hehe..xx
- Loki Terry: What would you like to see on Tinkatolli?
- littlemisscutiepie: well i have had bad experiences with online games when to play it, practicly all the stuff…
- littlemisscutiepie: … you have to have membership for
- littlemisscutiepie: and that annoys me
- littlemisscutiepie: I like to play a game COMPLETEY free, because it makes me feel better
- Loki Terry: Thanks!
- Loki Terry: Any other suggestions for the Tinkatolli HQ?
- littlemisscutiepie: Just keep on keeping on yno! i just really appreciate that people could…
- littlemisscutiepie: …make a website like this to let kids have a good time on the internet
- Loki Terry: awesome, yeah!
- Loki Terry: That’s it! 🙂 – Thanks for answering my questions!
- littlemisscutiepie: Thankss x
I have to say W.O.W – What a amazing TinkaView I had with littlemisscutiepie, it was great speaking to her and what such good positive feedback as she is not even a month old yet! – Thanks!
Good interveiw!! 🙂