Me: What are the things you like about Tinkatolli ?
Dukster: Everything 😛
Dukster: But my favorite thing is the Traders
Dukster: They make the island seem so unique
Me: Yeah, they are interesting I think also 🙂
Me: What do you think of the Dirty Dozen trader?
Dukster: It’s a great update
Dukster: It will make people collect seeds and get more junk
Dukster: And most people like the Take a Chance
Dukster: To see if they get something good
Me: yeah 😀
Me: Have you traded with him?
Dukster: Yep, and I took a chance every time I did
Dukster: I won most of the times
Dukster: but lost a couple as well
Me: I’ve lost almost everytime 😛 – lucky! 😀
Me: Great 🙂
Dukster: Haha, well it might get better for you 😛
Me: I hope 🙂
Me: What do you think of the ribbons given when you trade?
Dukster: I think they are okay
Dukster: I only wanted to get first second and third
Dukster: and I did!
Me: 🙂 – awesome!
Dukster: It makes more people want to trade
Dukster: to get badges out of it, and not just items 😀
Me: 🙂 – yeah
Me: What do you think about makeables created by kids?
Dukster: I think they are awesome! 😀
Dukster: It makes kids want to do stuff while they are offline
Dukster: and not play the computer all the time
Me: yeah 🙂
Me: The staff have mentioned they might make merchandise, what would you like to see?
Dukster: I would like to see TinkaTeddies of the staff and trader
Dukster: Those would be awesome! 😀
Me: Great idea! 😀
Me: What is your favorite room on Tinkatolli and why?
Dukster: Blueberry Hill
Dukster: It the place that all of us hang out in
Dukster: and we have a great time there
Me: Yeah 🙂 – it is a great place to meet new tinkas 🙂
Me: Ok last question 🙂
Me: Is there anything you would like to see on Tinkatolli in the future?
Dukster: Hmmm
Dukster: Not really
Dukster: I just like to wait and find out
Dukster: The staff come up with things I would never think of
Dukster: which is great 😀
Me: Ok, cool! 🙂 – thanks Dukster! 🙂
Dukster: Yep, thank you! 😛
Thanks Dukster! – Interesting idea for the merchandise! – Check all other TinkaViews by clicking here.
Very nice thanks Dukster for the interview
How long is the waiting list or whatever? What I mean by that is how soon will I be interviewed?
Oh yeah and great interview Dukster!
Oh ! You were last on the list xD Thing is i never see you on…would you like me to email you the questions or ?
I do 😀 thx if you do !
You what? 😀
He wants a Tinkaview. 🙂
tinkaview durh !! 😛
Posted on Your are not worthless. You mean the world to smnooee. You just need to find out who. And don’t ever try to take your life ever you are loved by more people than you think.
I will do a Tinkaview aswell if needed =P
Awesome! – You’ve been added to the list! – 😀 – We’ll Tinka View you soon! 😀
I was tinkaviewed before the queues 😛
Thanks guys! I just want to say it was not my merchandise idea, it was Lukey’s I believe. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Hehe, np 😀
:\ i want to do one but i dont…
If you want, we can add you to the list :] Don’t be shy :] Anyways I’m off to bed, see you in the morning :]
I would like a Tinkaview from you! 🙂
Awesome, we shall add you to the list for March :] We currently have tinkaviews for up until March but you’re 2nd on our list :]
Awesome, I can’t wait! 🙂
I can’t either! 😀
🙂 Hehe !
I wonder when my tink a view will be posted lol
loki im a bit sad my tinka veiws not up there 🙁 whys it always me !!?? 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
it was after duskers and before cybers
i mean coolpariots 😛
Yours will be published, don’t worry :] it’s scheduled