Me: What are the things you like about Tinkatolli ?
Yawn2: I like all the badges you can earn, junk you can collect and the traders
Me: Yeah, that’s cool 🙂
Me: What is your most favorite feature of Tinkatolli?
Yawn2: hmm
Yawn2: i like trading with other tinkas 😀
Me: hehe 😀
Me: What do you think about makeables created by kids?
Yawn2: they are very cool! i just love that the idea that you can make something, sumbit it to the tinkafair and it could get into the nominations and built into tinkatolli! i just think thats really cool because you can see your creation in game 🙂
Me: Yeah 🙂
Me: What is your favorite room on Tinkatolli and why?
Yawn2: hmm
Yawn2: let me think about that for a sec 😛
Yawn2: xD
Me: ok xD
Yawn2: i like kelp key and mud patch because its fun to collect rare junk only for members 🙂
Me: What do you think of the new Unusuals trader ?
Yawn2: its awesome! nice how the items change every two weeks and you have to earn seeds 😀
Yawn2: Im trying to get the kid egg in the unusuals right now lool
Yawn2: about eight thousand to go! 😀
Yawn2: xD
Me: awesome 😀
Me: What do you think of the Dirty Dozen trader?
Yawn2: that is cool as well. my first trade was like four fifty and i took a chance and got seven hundred seeds 😀
Me: Hehe yeah, so cool 😀
Me: What do you think of the ribbons given when you trade?
Yawn2: its okay. Ive never really gotten into the top ten, only got four nifty fifty ribbons 😛
Yawn2: i hope i get into top ten someday
Me: 😀
Me: Is there anything you would like to see on Tinkatolli in the future?
Yawn2: more shops 😀
Yawn2: and more makeables 😀
Yawn2: and new quests! 😀
Me: Yeah, I bet they will do all that soon 😀
Yawn2: xD
Me: Thanks for your time !
Yawn2: no problem! 🙂
Very nice Yawn
Can I be next?
Sure, we shall put you on the list :]