Me: What are the things you like about Tinkatolli ?
Cocoboy: I like how you can get junk and make things
Cocoboy: It inspires you to have fun
Me: Yeah, that’s cool 😀
Me: What is your most favorite feature of Tinkatolli?
Cocoboy: Tinkafair
Cocoboy: Its sooo creative
Cocoboy: You can see everyone cretaions
Cocoboy: And see them come to life in the game
Me: Hehe, yeah 🙂
Me: What is your favorite room on Tinkatolli and why?
Cocoboy: Hmm thats a toughie
Me: Yeah 😀
Cocoboy: I would say a tie between kelp mudpatch and stinkatolli
Cocoboy: There alll so cool
Cocoboy: With lots of nice items and good bling
Me: That’s cool 🙂
Me: What do you think of the new Unusuals trader ?
Cocoboy: Really fun to try to get all the items
Cocoboy: And I love how you ccan see whats coming up beside him
Me: Yeah, I love that shop !
Me: What do you think of the Dirty Dozen trader?
Cocoboy: Hmm
Cocoboy: Really risky
Cocoboy: Even tho i have traded with him many times and they all ended bad lol
Me: Aww, better luck next time !
Me: What do you think of the ribbons given when you trade?
Cocoboy: Thanks 🙂
Cocoboy: Cool idea
Cocoboy: Always a race for first when trader comes
Cocoboy: Everyone waits till he comes and trades really fast
Me: Hehe yeah ! Quite fun too
Me: Would you buy any Tinkatolli merchandise? If so, what?
Cocoboy: Probably a t shirt
Cocoboy: Or a mousepad
Me: cool !
Me: Is there anything you would like to see on Tinkatolli in the future?
Cocoboy: Well i just thought of this one last night
Cocoboy: There should be something like bling but a different color
Cocoboy: And you can collext seeds
Cocoboy: By stepping on them
Cocoboy: Oops I forgot to say the different color bling should be more valuable 🙂
Me: hehe thanks for your time !
Cocoboy: No thanks you
Do you want a Tinkaview? Just comment below!
Thanks Cocoboy