The Teamwork element of Angry Birds in Google+ is currently only available in Google+ (and not for any other device). The Teamwork theme takes advantage of the social aspects of Google+. Before you begin, you will want to add plenty of people to your circles so you fulfill the requirements for all the levels. If you need additional friends to unlock levels, take a look at our Getting People for Angry Birds Teamwork tutorial.


The Teamwork section is separated into two parts. In the first part (top row), you are able to unlock levels by adding others to your circle and inviting them to Angry Birds. Levels in the second part (lower row) can be unlocked as you and your circles gain a collective number of stars. I will call the levels on the lower levels 5-8 as it’ll be easier to refer to. To be able to play the last level, you and all your friends must have a total number of stars exceeding 2000.


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Set your Twitter account name in your settings to use the TwitterBar Section.