The 2011 Valentines Day Dance is finally here! When you login to Build a Bearville, you should be prompted to go to the Gymnasium to join the dance.

Valentines Day Dance Invitation

Let’s go there now. Congratulations! You have received a pawsome gift!

Valentines Day Gift

The gift is a box of chocolates 🙂

Box of Chocolates

What do you think about the dance? I really like the free items we are getting! Leave a comment and tell us about what you like and dislike about the valentines day dance!


3 Responses to Build a Bearville Valentines Dance 2011 Cheats

  1. joanna says:

    I would like to say…thankyou to everyone who asked me i feel so much better!!

  2. Alley2hip68 says:

    im actually very rich on my account and thank you for this advice
    my name on buildabearville is Alley2hip68

  3. alicefluffstuff says:

    i dont see how this helped me..