Bearemy is a special bear, because his birthday lasts for 3 days! His birthday is lasting from August 19 to August 21.
Visit Bearemy in Town Square for a free gift!
In addition, according to Build a Bear Workshop’s Facebook page, you will have the opportunity see Bearemy or Pawlette at any Build […]
The Chloe Show is now featuring the fashionista, Victoria Justice! Go to the Bearville News Network now to watch them “live”!
In addition, the countdown to enter the show has been taken away due to popular demands. Anyone who wants to watch the show no longer have to wait for the next show! Here […]
While the carnival is still in Bearville, you can get some easy Bearville cash by playing the Carnival Bell at the Broadwalk.
To play, you simply have to type the letters shown on the screen, and press the spacebar afterwards (when it asks you to). You will receive free Bearville cash!
A couple of days ago on August 4, Build a Bear Workshop announced the recall of the item, Love Hugs Peace Lapel Pins. This is due to the fact that the surface paints on the lapel pin contain excessive levels of lead, which can be dangerous. Here is the official announcement by Build a Bear […]
Thanks to our reader Brittany for letting us know: BFF Heart Bunny has a quest for everyone! To begin the quest, go to Town Square and speak to BFF Heart Bunny.
You will be asked to go on a simple quest.
Your task will be to go to Carnival, and send a messages […]