Visit the Build-A-Bearville Zoo to receive a free Zebra Print Hoodie. You will receive it as soon as you enter the zoo.

Zebra Print Hoodie


Go to the inside of the Sportsplex, and click on the Panda. You will receive a free Water Bottle.

Water Bottle Item


In Build a Bearville, Champ – A Champion Fur Kids, is having a new quest at the Skate Park.

You will be prompted to join his Soccer Search.

Champ has hidden soccer balls all over Bearville. If you find all 5, you will be rewarded with a prize. These are the locations:

Sportsplex (Outside)






Sunshine Shores Cave

Sunshine Shores Cave

Sunshine Shores Marina

Sunshine Shores Marina

Congratulations! You have completed the search for soccer balls! You will receive a free MVB Trophy:

MVB Trophy


Today, May 3, is National Teacher Day. Visit the Classroom, and “Go to Class”. Walk to the teacher’s desk for a free Hall Pass!

Hall Pass

Here is a picture of me with the Hall Pass:

Wearing Hall Pass

Do you like this Hall Pass? Do you think the Hall Pass makes people more free? I think it’s a nice new item that will get me some sort of freedom for some time.


Today is April 24, which is Easter! Visit Bearemy in Town Square to receive a free Top Hat with Bunny Ears.

Top Hat with Bunny Ears

What do you think? I really like this Top Hat. Be sure to pick it up before it disappears!