The 2011 Valentines Day Dance is finally here! When you login to Build a Bearville, you should be prompted to go to the Gymnasium to join the dance.

Valentines Day Dance Invitation

Let’s go there now. Congratulations! You have received a pawsome gift!

Valentines Day Gift

The gift is a box of chocolates 🙂

Box of Chocolates

What do you think about the dance? I really like the free items we are getting! Leave a comment and tell us about what you like and dislike about the valentines day dance!


Valentines Day is coming up very quickly, and Build a Bearville is preparing for it! Between February 11 and February 14, the Annual Valentine’s Day Dance will take place at Bear University in the Gymnasium.

Valentines Day Fun

As it says in the invitation, there will be a FREE box of chocolate and Bear Bills for everyone who comes. I can’t wait for this Valentine’s Day Dance. How about you? This will be my first time at the Annual Valentine’s Day Dance. Have you been to any previous ones? What were they like? Leave a comment and let us know!


In the Bearville Times under “Ask Bearemy,” there is a short piece that says: “Don’t miss [the Bearville Times] and be sure to read your Bearville Times to the end each week.” Some may have taken that as a hint. Well, reading this week’s Bearville Times all the way to the end will get you a free Reading Emoticon!

Reading Emoticon

Remember, you have to read ALL the way to the end (page 16) to get it. Have fun and enjoy your emoticon!

Using Reading Emoticon


The bears in Town Square need help stopping the bubbles. To stop the bubbles, they need your help in mixing a potion.

Wizard Quest Bears

When you walk to the bear on the right, you will be prompted to help them.

Help on Wizard Quest


Visit the US Bank today and you’ll receive 1000 Bonus Bear Bills to invest!

1000 Bonus Bear Bills

What are you waiting for? Get the free Bear Bills before it’s too late!