Free Club Penguin Membership
Posted by Tech163 on May 3, 2009 under Cheats and TipsTo get a Free Club Penguin Membership, click the banner BELOW and you don’t have to pay a single cent for the free membership. Here are the direction. Read the entire post before trying.
- Click the banner above and register. Without an account, you will not be able to get your free Club Penguin membership. Make sure the email address you enter is correct.
- Check the email which you registered with. Activate your account.
- Now login, and go under “View available offers.” There, you will have to complete offers, and earn 7 points for a Club Penguin membership.
- The easiest way to earn points is to do those offers which give low points, since they don’t take much time. Under sort, select Points and Least to Greatest and click Go. It would be a good idea to select Date, and Newest to Oldest, since some offers expire after a time.
- The offers should be sort from least to greatest. Now basically click “Click here to complete this offer” and complete the offer. After you are done, you should get your points.
(see below for tips) - Once you have a total of 7 points, go under “View Available Prizes.” Scroll down and you should see the Club Penguin logo. Click “Click here to claim this prize.”
- Within a day or two, you should receive your membership code in your email!
Important FAQ: (please read)
Q: Will this get me banned?
A: No. This is allowed according to the Club Penguin rules.
Q: Should I enter my real information?
A: NO! Never enter your personal information! Make up fake ones. For smarter offers, use the address/phone number of a random company (ie. Scholastic, 730 Broadway).
Q: Is there a way to speed things up? I don’t want to click all the NO since there are too many.
A: You can use either Google Toolbar’s Autofill function or RoboForm. With RoboForm on, click Alt and = to select all the NO.
Q: Is this a scam?
A: No, check out the testimonials. Many people, including me (although I didn’t choose the Club Penguin membership), has received prizes.
If you have any questions regarding any of the offers, you can leave a comment and ask me. Here is proof that it is real.
They r making fool of us .Who r reading this text never ever come in this site
Why you try this?This is only membership hack,maybe is virus.I don’t all think i saying bad words,but Penguins i wanna tell you don’t make more programs like this before virus can destroy you’r computer. ~Rockhopper~
alll codes
Will you get banned! i dont care if i dont get banned i have many penguins..
i wont because you minght have to pay on YOUR PHONE
this suks
it’s snowing in texs i am so excited
i thing evry one should be aloud to have a free member ship.