Club Penguin Star Reporter Book Codes
Posted by Tech163 on July 30, 2009 under Cheats and TipsI have some Star Reporter Book Codes, and you can use them to unlock a Blue Book with 1500 coins or 2000 coins!
- Page 6, line 5, 5 words from the left: printed
- Page 7, line 12, 6 words from the left: staff
I also have decided to include page 5 of the book for you to read.
You may also choose to buy this book from Amazon. Make sure to look at all our other Club Penguin Book Codes!
what about the page 61 question answer? ~plz help!
what is the answer to page 50 3word and line 15
i realy dont get it
More codes please not just 2 this is NO help… sorry love your website though
if you dont no what the code is for the star reporter page 7 book then look at this comment because i no what it is it is it is staff
i don t get it??
thank you thank you i cant belive OMG!!
this thing is cool it dose work
so helpful
well only so many codes pop up if you havee the boOk use a diffrent peinguin account look at all qestions but dont unlock any thing on the peinguin then post it here itl take a while but it will pay off : )