Free Club Penguin Membership Hack
Posted by Tech163 on April 1, 2010 under Cheats and TipsI have found a Club Penguin membership hack, and I have created a generator for it.
Step 1 – Registration – Click Here
To begin, click the link above and register. YOU MUST register with real information. Click the link in the email and you have completed the first step.
Step 2 – Complete an offer
Once you have logged in, click on “Get Points.” There, you will see a list of offers. You must complete THREE offers before using the generator or else, it won’t work.
Step 3 – Generating Membership Code
Now, it’s the easy part. Click the generate button, and the generator will begin. THE GENERATOR WILL NOT WORK IF YOU DIDN’T REGISTER OR ACTIVATE YOUR EMAIL. Once the generator stops, you have a working Club Penguin membership code! If it doesn’t stop after a minute or two, refresh the page, and try again.
Hi i am Monther Mahmod i want to be a Membership for free anyone who knows send email to Thank you
Not work
i tried it but i just took so long long i had to go to bed
WOW ,A fake website ,nothing to press ..Juz onli register register onli
Hi im a huge fan of clubpenguin and i love this website!!.. But I want to know something.. ok Where do you know i can find a cp trainer by cheats to get money… And i have a clubpenguin if you want too see me in club penguin go tommarow at 11:20am at server Alaska if you want to see me or add me Just saying Your biggist Fan MUdkip39 Bye!!
Ok im ready ill be seing people at server Alaska at 11:20 Im going to be at the ice berg everyone can add me ok Bye!!
And my penguin name is Mudkip39 ill be there in11:20am At Server Alaska
Sorry guys.. Im really going to be at server Alaska at 11:20am.. i will be at the ice berg and my igloo will be open! people can be free to ad me.. and my name is mudkip39 in clubpenguin bye guys!!
I got a code what do now
my email dosent work