Free Club Penguin Membership Hack
Posted by Tech163 on April 1, 2010 under Cheats and TipsI have found a Club Penguin membership hack, and I have created a generator for it.
Step 1 – Registration – Click Here
To begin, click the link above and register. YOU MUST register with real information. Click the link in the email and you have completed the first step.
Step 2 – Complete an offer
Once you have logged in, click on “Get Points.” There, you will see a list of offers. You must complete THREE offers before using the generator or else, it won’t work.
Step 3 – Generating Membership Code
Now, it’s the easy part. Click the generate button, and the generator will begin. THE GENERATOR WILL NOT WORK IF YOU DIDN’T REGISTER OR ACTIVATE YOUR EMAIL. Once the generator stops, you have a working Club Penguin membership code! If it doesn’t stop after a minute or two, refresh the page, and try again.
1.Click which one you want.
2.Start the generator.
3.After that click beside the numbers hold it!
4.Put ur mouse over the numbers.
5.There you have a membership!
6.Thanks so much!
this stupid genorateor is dumb i type n my name then click start and angain and again and the thing dosnt work geezzz what junk that is i know thats crap i say sorry for the fowel languege but really thats the truth.
Ok this thing sux
Ya lol nice scam i’m not retared and made a new e-mail scamer derp on you!!
it does no crap
how do i do the generator?
this is a rip OFF!!
ok im 11 do you know how long it took me hack into random email, make up numbers for those dumb cell phone servays, and click to make this work!!?!?!?! I WANT A MEMBERSHIP! NOW I HAVE TO DO MORE SEARCHING! AND ITS 11 O’CLOCK AT NIGHT!! ON A SCHOLL NIGHT!!
well being a club penguin cheater is cool ;D