Club Penguin Mission 11 Walkthrough – The Veggie Villain
Posted by Tech163 on May 17, 2010 under Cheats and TipsClub Penguin Mission 11, The Veggie Villain, was released today, and I have the walkthrough for it. First, here’s a video. Scroll down if you prefer a written guide.
[youtube width=480 height=385][/youtube]

Congratulations! You have solved Club Penguin Mission 11, The Veggie Villain!
Hey CP fans,
I will be appearing at Down Under.I will be wandering about the island.If you want to find me quick add Rnc12 or Fixyyy so you can track him
Server: Down Under Place: Everywhere Time: 4:30 EST
oh no my favorite car and video games are missing
must be hapenned g theres a giant hydra bots and the i defated crackat
um how do you solve the stupid puzzle at the very end
How do u get the secret thing?
where is the river where do i go!! this was okay till we went to the river part thing completely hopeless
dear emiilyy3 its probably just a problem with your computer
or the game is just messed up
same here i come off it
You miss a part to get the kids glasses fixed HAHA
om whats the pasward for the color dots