Club Penguin Mission 11 Walkthrough – The Veggie Villain
Posted by Tech163 on May 17, 2010 under Cheats and TipsClub Penguin Mission 11, The Veggie Villain, was released today, and I have the walkthrough for it. First, here’s a video. Scroll down if you prefer a written guide.
[youtube width=480 height=385][/youtube]

Congratulations! You have solved Club Penguin Mission 11, The Veggie Villain!
Where is the projector?It is covered . I can’t take it out
that was wiked thanks
where is the river???
to blue ying u can get to the river by finding all the items in order to grow corn and make pop corn the other clue is the pieces of paper youve found bye,if you have any other questions just ask me q1225 cause im 747 days old on cp and im always happy to help u all so seeyo guys later
how do i get the sheet off of the projector?? HELP!!!
how do i get to the river? be specific..
to get to the river you go back to where there are two sets of pawprints and follow the other set (ie the one you havent followed yet.) use the scraps of paper to know which path to take. if the list says, hot sauce, fertiliser, coffee etc, you follow the paths with those items at the side.
were is the river i need help to find it
how do you get to the river??