Club Penguin Field Op #87 Cheats
Posted by Luckylarry on June 22, 2012 under MissionsClub Penguin’s EPF has released its latest Field Ops, and the instructions will be given to you once you go to the command room:
Report to the Snow Forts, and head over to the abandoned car as shown in the picture below. Your Spyphone will then ring again.
Click on your spyphone once it rings, and you’ll be given the instructions to your operation:
Your job is to enter the correct X and Y co-ordinates for every target that comes up on your screen. The horizontal line is your X value, the vertical line is your Y value. Enter the correct values for each target accordingly.
Once you have completed at least 20 targets within the given time, you will be awarded the stamp for your completion of the field op.