Club Penguin Hollywood Party 2013 Cheats
Posted by Trainman1405 on February 14, 2013 under Cheats and TipsClub Penguin’s Hollywood Party is now out! When you log in you’ll get a popup looking like this. Everyone can become a director.
Be sure to get the Digital Camera item! (wear it and throw snowballs at penguins to take pictures of them)
On the other hand, members can become super stars.
They can get the film script item. It leads up to the Golf Cart.
Head to the Snow Forts to access the Sets.
As of today you can only go to Set A, Club Penguin High 3.
If you’re a member be sure to get the studio item! It’ the Gold Letterman Jacket,
Follow the directions and dance in the three areas. The video camera will turn from red to green.
You can then get the background.
The background is the Club Penguin High Background.
The same will be done for the other two sets but in a few days. Stage B:
Stage C:
It’s also worth noting that there is a special catalogue. Click the hanger.
There are some items for everyone.
There’s also some special party emotes!
You can also access the Limo room when it appears:
There will be an awards show next week at the Stage.
Some rooms are specially decorated:
Finally, you and others have a star around them.
How are you liking the party?
how do u unlock more directors stuff