Club Penguin’s Penguin of the Day: Tuffle12356
Posted by Moneydude8 on August 1, 2013 under Other StuffClub Penguin blogger, Daffodaily5, has chosen another helpful penguin to be featured on the Club Penguin Blog as “Penguin of the Day.” Today’s winner is announced as the name Tuffle12356! Congratulations! Here is what Daffodaily5 had to say about him:
Tuffle12356 loves decorating his igloo and playing Card-Jitsu! In addition to helping other penguins on their ninja journey, he also helps his buds finds the latest pins. Awesome!

Contact Us and tell our team who you think should be Penguin of the Day!
-Club Penguin Team”
I’d have to say, I love his igloo designs and I like which side he chose for the Star Wars Takeover. So, what do you think about today’s Penguin of the Day? Let us know in a comment below!