Puffle Tricks Coming in April
Posted by Zac on April 8, 2014 under PreviewMegg has recently posted that our Puffles will be able to perform new tricks that will be accessible via the chat bar in the far left corner. Penguins will be able to have their Puffle perform up to seven tricks, such as ‘Roll Over’ .
Here’s what Megg had to say:
We’ve got a blog exclusive sneak peek for you guys! The team’s working on a brand new feature for you and your pets:Puffle Tricks!The Puffle Tricks are permanent and there’ll be 7 tricks for your puffles, including at super-special trick (can you guess what it’ll be?).I’m curious…. If you could teach your puffle ANY trick in the world, what would you teach it to do? Post a comment and let everyone know what trick you’d teach your puffle!Waddle On!-Club Penguin Team
These new Puffle tricks look set to be released during the Puffle Party 2014, which starts on April 17 (Next Thursday).
What are your views towards the upcoming Puffle Tricks? Are you looking forward to them? Let us know in the comments!
I would teach my Puffle to use a map so if he gets lost he’ll use a map to find the way back