Club Penguin’s Penguin of the Week: Ilovetv04
Posted by Trainman1405 on August 17, 2015 under Other StuffThe next POTW has been posted! This week it’s Ilovetv04, who was nominated three times. Here’s her nominations:
“There is one person that I really want to nominate. I am friends with iLoveTv04
1.When I first came to the island she showed me around, She was new too, only a few days older. We were outside the pizza parlor in the star wars party.
2. She friended me straight away
3.She always makes me feel good”“I would LOVE to nominate iLoveTv04 to be POTW. There is no better penguin. This is why:
1. It is her birthday coming up on CP.
2. She has an epic igloo and style.
3. She helps all new penguins round the island in her free time and when she is a tour guide.
6. She has more than 300 friends.”“The penguin that I would like to nominate is iLoveTv04. There are so many things I could say about this penguin but I am running out of letters so will keep it brief.
She is the kindest most helpful penguin I have ever met.
She style is insane but in a good way”
As a reward 10,000 coins and the Penguin of the Week background were added to her penguin account. Congratulations!