Club Penguin’s Aunt Arctic Returns At Marvel Superhero Takeover 2012
Posted by Luckylarry on June 14, 2012 under Cheats and TipsCheck out our Aunt Arctic tracker, and our chat below!
Aunt Arctic has returned to Club Penguin at the Marvel Superhero Takeover 2012! She also has a new gift for everybody. If you meet her, you will receive the following background:
Here is our Aunt Arctic tracker:
In addition to using and refreshing our tracker, you may also want to join our chat to track Aunt Arctic!
[iframe width=800 height=500][/iframe]
You will also receive a stamp for being in the same room with her! Aunt Arctic will be regularly tracked on this site so keep refreshing the site! Tracking has already commenced!
I’m just wondering if my site can use the Aunt Arctic BG. We will give you credit and put your site in our post. Thanks!
Is this new?
Never mind, it’s The Cosmic.