Reviewed by You: Daring Rescue
Posted by Tech163 on March 16, 2010 under Other StuffLast week, Club Penguin wanted to hear about your Daring Rescue stories. Violet5550 said:
I would get a group of pioneering penguins and together we would make a quest for the missing puffles. We would dress up as safely as we could wearing a helmet and safety jacket then get our super long powered torches and set of into the pitch black caves and hopefully rescue all the puffles and be known as heroes! After that we would relax at the coffee shop!
In other news, the Penguin Play Awards will start this Thursday. Aunt Arctic and Cadence are coming, so make sure to see my Aunt Arctic Tracker and Cadence Tracker. I would also like to hear about your favorite plays, and how you’re planning to celebrate it.
heroes like link from the legends of zelda and ocptimus prime from transformors