Apply for a Position
For all those interested in becoming part of Club Penguin CC, simply send an email to with the following information:
- Penguin Name
- Time Zone
- Your Site
- Your Twitter
- Languages – what languages are you able to write fluently in?
Feel free to include any additional information you think is relevant. Additional questions may be requested on a case by case basis depending on the information given. It is suggested that you are honest when answering the questions. Please give Tech163 at least a week to get back to your application as he receives such a large amount. If you do not get some sort of confirmation that your email was received, please let Tech163 know using an alternative way.
How are applicants picked?
All new applicants are placed in our waiting list. Depending on our assessment of the applicant, they may be either placed on the top, at the bottom, or somewhere in between. Your position in the waiting list will only be for our references for competitive reasons.
At any point, we may decide to take a new author or two from the waiting list. For competitive reasons, we cannot reveal how often that is done, or how many is hired at a time. Repeatedly asking about the waiting list will lead to your position on the waiting list being forfeited.
So,this is my first rare appearance on a Club Penguin cheat site…I just wanted to say that Smoovie1,don’t let the rare thing go to your head! And this site is great,but your account could be banned for cheating. It happened to my little sister…She hacked Billybob…If any of the moderators found out who made this site you could be banned. Smoovie1,I looked over the site. You didn’t post on everything. Greed of being an author on this site made you post a lot…But on this part.
Heyy, ive sent the email hopes up now
I am not Screenhog!!!
i want to be part of cp cc
i want to be an author plz
New essge from Protobot
Hey guys! How are you finding club penguin?Club penguins awesome, fun and enjoyable. Club penguin is the best to join becuase we can waddle with our buddies and classmates. It seems fun if you join. I could show you everything.Visit me on antartic
My penguin’s name is Pebbles27407. I live in Canada and I am 11 on May 23rd! I love to read and write stories so im goings fill this whole tingy up with words about my panguin! My penguin’s igloo has a split backyard and a house. The House is filled with homey things and lots and lots of candy as well as a few plants and trees! The backyard is fillled with enviromently friendly things like trees, stumps, potted plants, flowers and even a mossy green log! I really hope you let me joiin so once again my name is Pebbles27407. Can my little sister join please? Her Club penguin name is Winnie221. She constanly is on club Penguin or she is reading a good book! Hope we can both join because she is helping me write this very very lonngg paragrah pleaaase? Thank you so much Club Penguin Cheats penguins and People!
Pebbles27407 and Winnie221 :):):):):)
i post on everything
i dont lie
i allways try to help other penguins but they dont listen if they did them penguins would love me
oh and im from the USA