Apply for a Position
For all those interested in becoming part of Club Penguin CC, simply send an email to with the following information:
- Penguin Name
- Time Zone
- Your Site
- Your Twitter
- Languages – what languages are you able to write fluently in?
Feel free to include any additional information you think is relevant. Additional questions may be requested on a case by case basis depending on the information given. It is suggested that you are honest when answering the questions. Please give Tech163 at least a week to get back to your application as he receives such a large amount. If you do not get some sort of confirmation that your email was received, please let Tech163 know using an alternative way.
How are applicants picked?
All new applicants are placed in our waiting list. Depending on our assessment of the applicant, they may be either placed on the top, at the bottom, or somewhere in between. Your position in the waiting list will only be for our references for competitive reasons.
At any point, we may decide to take a new author or two from the waiting list. For competitive reasons, we cannot reveal how often that is done, or how many is hired at a time. Repeatedly asking about the waiting list will lead to your position on the waiting list being forfeited.
my penguin name is sarah77035 i have a website im 10 and ive always dreamed of being famous and i rlly cant be famous cuz my website u can only type it in on the top bar instead of the google thingymabober
i do not know what i am doing today
hi hi
i wanna be a mod iw anna belike rockhopper hes cool!
Hi guys im Bazzlewacker AKA Sir Genral Raggut
Hi penguins im so cool and awesome arent I whose with me eh eh
Hi Candence1000
I use Mywebsearch
I need to be on this wwbsite