Club Penguin Cadence Tracker
Our Cadence Tracker can be used to help you track Cadence on Club Penguin. I have decided to create it so you can find her on Club Penguin without wasting so much time. The tracker will start working once the Penguin Play Awards begin. You can find it below.
Add this to your site
<a href="" title="Cadence Tracker"><img src="" alt="Cadence Tracker" width="220" height="110" /></a>
[iframe 800 500]
Tips on finding Cadence on your own
When searching for Cadence, be sure to check the popular servers. This includes Abominable, Frozen, Blizzard, Mammoth, Sleet, and many others. If a normally empty server is crowded, that’s a sign that there is a chance Cadence is on that server. Cadence can be found inside the Backstage, which can be accessed from the Stage.
If you do spot Cadence, but is unable to click her name, browse through the list of penguins in the room, and click on her name. From there, you can pick up Cadence’s free background.
Be sure to check out the Rockhopper Tracker, Aunt Arctic Tracker, Gary Tracker, and Penguin Band Tracker!
carence please come or i wil turn to you becuse i have got a cheat
rochhopper are you on a server if you tell me what server and wat place thank you
Hiya Im Aunt Artic if you really want to find me let me tell you Candece and Rock hopper are fakes dont listen to them becasue i am BillyBob I know now Candece Rock hopper come forward U arent them
Love AA
Hey i am online on server Mamoth
im on server mamoth
ill meet u there gary
has anyone got an intresting story you cold tell me about club penguin
dear rochopper i found you once clicked on you asked to be your buddie and you ignored me and walked away please anzer me
i will be apering in the ninnga hideout april the 2end how to c u there
hey gary can u add me and pass it on to aunt artik sensi and all plz
Candace r u still on white house cause im there.