Club Penguin Medieval Music Cheat
Posted by Tech163 on May 11, 2009 under Cheats and Tips | 2 Comments »1. Open up the map and go to the Town.
2. When you are about to reach the Knight Club entrance, click the Home button on your chat bar.
1. Open up the map and go to the Town.
2. When you are about to reach the Knight Club entrance, click the Home button on your chat bar.
Here is a glitch for members only to make your penguin glow.
Here is a brand new cheat to login into two different accounts at the same time. You must be using Mozilla Firefox. Note: This will not work for everyone.
If it works, great. If it doesn’t then your computer is too fast.
To get a Free Club Penguin Membership, click the banner BELOW and you don’t have to pay a single cent for the free membership. Here are the direction. Read the entire post before trying.
Important FAQ: (please read)
Q: Will this get me banned?
A: No. This is allowed according to the Club Penguin rules.
Q: Should I enter my real information?
A: NO! Never enter your personal information! Make up fake ones. For smarter offers, use the address/phone number of a random company (ie. Scholastic, 730 Broadway).
Q: Is there a way to speed things up? I don’t want to click all the NO since there are too many.
A: You can use either Google Toolbar’s Autofill function or RoboForm. With RoboForm on, click Alt and = to select all the NO.
Q: Is this a scam?
A: No, check out the testimonials. Many people, including me (although I didn’t choose the Club Penguin membership), has received prizes.
If you have any questions regarding any of the offers, you can leave a comment and ask me. Here is proof that it is real.
Maybe you have noticed, Tech163 is now a ninja. He officially beat Sensei on Wednesday, April 29. Here is a picture of him in the Ninja Hideout.
Here is a complete guide which will help you become a ninja (if you are not one already) just like I am.
Make sure to share these card jitsu cheats with your friends if they are not a ninja yet!
There is a glitch with the lights at the Beacon. If you click it, it will turn off. It is probably because of the April Fools party. I will have a picture in minutes. Meanwhile, try it yourself and tell us what you think!
IMPORTANT: This cheat no longer works. I already got nearly 20 comments (as of July 9, 2009) and I don’t want to get any more about this cheat not working.
Here is a cheat to get over 1 million coins on Club Penguin, really quick, without using a trainer!
Here is a video. The written guide is below.
[iframe 525 400]
IMPORTANT: Do not hold me responsible if you get banned.
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