Club Penguin Homepage
Posted by Tech163 on September 28, 2007 under Cheats and Tips | Comments Off on Club Penguin HomepageIf you go to the club penguin homepage, you will see a penguin on top of the page.
Click it and it will change cloth.
If you go to the club penguin homepage, you will see a penguin on top of the page.
Click it and it will change cloth.
There are usually some jokes, riddle, or poetry hidden.
When you roll your mouse over it, it will light up. Just click it and something will show up.
It works with all jokes, riddle, or poetry.
As soon as you as you finish the game, you’ll see this.
Click quit as many times as you can.
This screen will appear and click ok.
Your ticket amount will be 3 time as more as the regular one.
When you have all six items, click the necklace and the lollipop will appear.
This is how it will look like to have all three.
Note: to see the rope, you must exit the catalog and open it again. Rope will appear a few seconds later.
Well, 300 hits for the Pizzatron 300.
On the start screen, there is a handle as shown.
It will take you to the secret level and you’ll be making desert pizza instead.
It’ll be like this:
Warning: In the directions, the directions are not going to have the candies and stuff.
You will find this in the sport shop only. Not in the gift shop.
Just click the third one. If you click the first or the second, you’ll end up getting the catalog instead.
How to have a puffle with no name?
When you buy the puffle, make the name 4 spaces.
After you buy it, it will end up like this:
This is a real picture.
Some people are only around 10 days old and they want to become a secret agent or an tour guide.
Just set the month of your computer calendar two month ahead.
If it’s right now August, change it to October.
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