Posted by Tech163 on August 24, 2007 under Cheats and Tips | 3 Comments »Since I got 75 hits, I’m offering this secret.
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Press 2 to go to level 20.
Press 3 to go to level 30.
Since I got 75 hits, I’m offering this secret.
At this screen, press 1 to go to level 10.
Press 2 to go to level 20.
Press 3 to go to level 30.
Make sure that when your type it, your mouse is outside of the chat bar.
Here’s how you can become a Tour Guide on Club Penguin:
1. Login to Club Penguin
2. Click on the map in the bottom right hand corner
3. Go to the Ski Village
4. Then waddle along to the Tour Stand
* Then click on “Would you like to become a Tour Guide yourself? Click for more details”, that is shown on the bottom.
Click on “Take The Quiz”.
Use the Questions & Answers below to help you towards becomin a Tour Guide:
You must be at least 45 days old.
To become a tour guide, go to Ski Village in any server.
Quiz answers
Which color of puffle can catch fire?
In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin times?
Boiler room
Which of these rooms doesn’t have music playing in the back round?
Pet shop
How does the pink puffle play?
Skips with a skipping rope
What item is always hidden in different place in the clothing catalog every month?
The Viking helmet
How many sled racing tracks are there?
Which room has a cuckoo clock?
Ski lodge
How do you get a pin?
Walk on top of it
Which of these rooms does NOT have a game in it?
What is the name of captain rockhoppers ship?
The Migrator
What item is thrown out of the truck in the level 4 of bean counters?
A flower pot
What day does the newspaper come out?
What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?
Which of these games has a shark in it?
Jetpack adventure
How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?
Congratulations, you’ve now completed How to Become a Tour Guide
To be a secret agent, your penguin must be at least 30 days old.
Click on the “M” badge that is located on the top right of your screen.
Click through, until they ask you some questions:
Q: Are you ready to become a secret agent?
A: Yes
Q: Pick one quality that you think a secret agent should have
A: Honest
Q: Pick the correct reason to report a penguin to a moderator
A: Being mean or rude
Q: What would you do if you saw a penguin breaking the rules?
A: Report them
Q: What type of personal information should be reported?
A: Saying their address
Q: Pick one reason you want to be a secret agent.
A: I want to keep Club Penguin safe
Q: Pick another reason you want to be a secret agent.
A: I want to help other penguins
Congratulations, you are now a secret agent!. Your spyphone will appear in your inventory the next time you login to Club Penguin.
Happy Puffles
Have you ever wondered how to fill your puffle’s stats bars right up?
Heres how:
Instead of feeding them first this is what you do…
1.Give them a bath
2.After they have a bath, feed them!
Try it. It cost only 15 coins each puffles.
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