Club Penguin Better Igloos Catalog January 2012 Cheats
Posted by Yeti321 on January 19, 2012 under Cheats and Tips | 3 Comments »Recently, I logged onto Club Penguin, and I noticed that they have released a new Better Igloo’s furniture catalog. There’s a few cheats in this month’s catalog. Here’s how to find the hidden items.
Here’s the catalog’s cover:
Go to the first page, and click the lock on the treasure chest. You’ll get the Ancient Archway.
Flip to the next page, and click on the top of the grill. You’ll get the Bamboo Torch.
That’s all of the new cheats for this month’s Better Igloo’s catalog. How do you like the new items? Let us know in a comment below.
Here is a video of all the hidden items: