DJ Cadence Tracking Tips
Posted by Tech163 on January 16, 2009 under Uncategoried | 2 Comments »Here are some tips on finding DJ Cadence.
- DJ Candence is a pink penguin with a purple wig, scarf, and headphones.
- She can only be found in the Night Club, Dance Lounge, and the Rooftoop.
- She is most likely to be on during peak hours (4:00PM to 7:00 PM PST) on the populated servers.
- She is usually surrounded by a crowd of penguins. If you see a crowd of penguins, open your buddy list and check if Candence is in the room. If she is, open her player card and get her free background!
In other news: Later, I might make something which you can use to get her background without meeting her.