Club Penguin Book Codes
Our Club Penguin Book Codes will ensure you unlock the books in Club Penguin, and receive a free Blue Book for your penguin and also thousands of coins! We have book codes for many different books. Here’s a list of book codes:
- Stowaway Codes
- Inventor’s Apprentice Codes
- Secret Agent Handbook Codes
- Star Reporter Codes
- Official Stage Playbook Codes
- Great Puffle Switch Codes
- Awesome Official Guide to Club Penguin Codes
- The Card-Jitsu Handbook Book Codes
- Before Card-Jitsu Book Codes
- Club Penguin: Official Annual 2012 Codes
- Dancing with Cadence Codes
- Club Penguin: Official Annual 2013 Book Codes
How to use Club Penguin Book Codes
If you don’t have the book, you don’t really need it to unlock the book in game! – To use the Club Penguin Book Codes we provide, follow the steps:
1. Go on Club Penguin’s homepage.
2. Go to the bottom of the homepage and click on the button “Unlock Items Online”.
3. Login to the penguin you wish to add the book or coins to.
4. Click on “I have a book”.
5. Select one of the Club Penguin Books to unlock it
6. Use our list of Club Penguin Book Codes that are listed above for the book that you have picked and then enter the code that goes with the word number and page number.
7. You will then receive free coins!!
Note: Often, you will not get one of the questions provided for the book. You will need to click the X button, and choose the book again, so you can get a brand new question. This can become a bit tedious, but this is what you gotta do. Enjoy our book codes π
hello cp y cant the people that r not memberships cant get closes ,colour full puffles,nice igloos an if u buy sum thing and it is 400 dollars is the money real
i dont agree
waddle on
we should find all of them
OMG please add just codes i keep unlocking coins!
these are lame! I’m looking for more exciting cheats n stuff! XD
is there any coin codes to unlock stuff
we need book codes
name is yahoo in cp
i luv cp
cp is awesome i will always be a member 4eva