Contact Us
Cheats Whiz
For things in general regarding this site, you should contact
Tech163 is the administrator on Club Penguin CC. For all those that have twitter, you can follow Tech163 on twitter. To contact Tech163, just send an email to Tech163 is in charge of the following:
- Site questions/suggestions
- Site issue/bug
- Parent complaints (or possibly in the future, compliments)
- Author position
Loki Terry
Loki Terry is another administrator on Club Penguin CC. Loki Terry is blogging partners with Tech163 and posts along with Tech163 and moderates the chat. You can follow Loki Terry on twitter as well. You may also send him an email at
Yay I fond it =D
do i have to be on face book to contact you guys
i want to be famous plz tell ppl about me on CP my Name is Lady Rocks on CP plz make me famous its my dream ON CP plzz :'(
rockhopper i wanna meet u plzz text back!!
rockhopper i wanna meet u plz text back!!:]
oh and Rockhpper,text back before sep.6 ok???
hi umm could any of u guys meet me on the beta test server 1 English and add me as a friend please? thank u wearing a green belt :n
una pregunta como hago ahora para jugar en el club penguin v ?