Club Penguin Penguin Band Tracker
Our Penguin Band Tracker can be used to help you track Penguin Band on Club Penguin. I have decided to create it so you can find them on Club Penguin without wasting much time. The tracker will begin tracking once the Penguin Play Awards begin. You can find it below.
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<a href="" title="Penguin Band Tracker"><img src="" alt="Penguin Band Tracker" width="220" height="110" /></a>
Tips on finding Penguin Band on your own
When searching for the Penguin Band, make sure to check the popular servers. Popular servers includes Abominable, Frozen, Blizzard, Mammoth, Sleet, and several others. If servers that is frequently empty appears crowded, there is a chance that a Penguin Band member is on that server. The Penguin Band can be found inside the Backstage, which can be accessed from the Stage. The four band members are not necessarily always together. You might just spot one of them. However, all four band members give out the same background.
If you do spot Penguin Band, but is unable to click their name, browse through the list of penguins that are in the room, and click on their name. From there on, you can pick up the Penguin Band’s free background.
Be sure to check out our Rockhopper Tracker, Cadence Tracker, Gary Tracker, and Aunt Arctic Tracker now!
where is candace
Yarr maties its Rockhopper here.I’ll be on at Hibernate at 5:00pm at the Lighthouse on MARCH 4th if you want to meet me.I’ve had a loong journey across the world and I’m ready to celebrate my arrival.Candence,The Penguin Band will be there, and so will the creators of Club Penguin.
P.S: You all re awaiting the surprise of a lifetime.YARRR!!!
are you online anyone??
hey rockhopper you probably wont be talking right now but can i meat you on yukon
the ice berg please my sisters are making fun of me the 13febuary please
my penguin name is troupies
plz be online
Im G and all penguins report for duty RED ALERT! Herbert is atacing us herry!
Hey Sensei here im gunnu be on at the ice party at abomable so if u wanna meet me soon at the ice dojo party be there at ninga hideout so if u wanna meet me ill be there ill waddle to dojo then niga hideout then fire dojo then water dojo then ice dojo then ill change to another server so see ya!!!– sensei
The penguin play awards are in march?? What did i miss??
every ws i go on it dont say if candance is online rr!!