Club Penguin Rockhopper Tracker
It is many penguin’s dream to find Rockhopper on Club penguin, mainly because you receive a free item when you find Rockhopper. However, many others find Rockhopper for the fun of it. Here, our Rockhopper Tracker and tutorial will help you find him on Club Penguin much faster. For the best results, however, also follow clubpenguincc and lokiterry on Twitter.
Tips on finding Rockhopper on your own
When searching for Rockhopper, be sure to check the popular servers. This includes Abominable, Frozen, Blizzard, Mammoth, Sleet, and many others. If there is a crowded server that’s usually empty, that might be a sign that Rockhopper is on the server. He frequently visits the Pizza Shop, Dock, Forest, Cove, and of course, the Migrator. If you see a large crowd of penguin, then Rockhopper might be among them.
If you do manage to spot Rockhopper, but is unable to click his name, browse through the list of penguins in the room, and click on his name. From there, you can pick up his free background.
Rockhopper April 2011 New Background:
Original Background of Rockhopper:
YEAH! I met rockhopper! This tracker rocks! I out the tracker on my web site so that I had a tracker that actually worked! :D!
Help Me Find Yarr
hi isn’t here
COOL TRACKER i saw captin rockhopper i click his name and click get gift and i got his backround
he had yarr he trick us
why do u want people to track me
yea i like it
rockhopper yarr is trapped in the mine
ya i no most wanted i try alot of trakers but can’t find him ROCKHOPPER PLEASE HELP!