Last week, the Mech Mice team posted more info on Lefty’s weapons. Here is what they posted:

Concept 1:

Here is a bigger version of this concept art:

Concept 2:

Also, they posted a video of a Mech Mice blaster firing. Here is the video:

[youtube width=560 height=315][/youtube]

That looks pretty cool! I love the color of the plasma. Do you like the style of these images? Let us know in a comment!


Just now, the Mech Mice team released some concept art, and some information about his headband. Here is what they posted:

Concept 1:

Here is a larger version of this concept art:

Concept 2:

Once again, here is a larger version of this concept art:

This unit looks really awesome! What are your thoughts on this unit so far?


Today, the Mech Mice team posted the first concept art for this week’s unit. This unit is: the Grenadier unit! Here is the concept art they posted for this unit:

This has to be my favourite unit so far! He looks tough, yet cute at the same time! What do you think of this unit? Let us know in a comment!



Today, the Mech Mice team has posted a sneak-peak of the next unit! Here is the image they posted:

Wow! I love the colors of the bombs! What do you think this unit will be? Let us know with a comment!


Once again, the Mech Mice team has posted the weekly unit’s stats and 3D view. This week’s unit is: the Recon unit! Here is what the team posted on the Mech Mice Facebook page.

Sneak Peak 1:

Concept 1:

Concept 2:

Concept 3:

Concept 4:

3D View Video:

[youtube width=560 height=315][/youtube]

That is all they posted for this unit, but be sure to come back next week to see the next unit!


Recently, the Mech Mice team has been very busy posting information about the next unit in the squad: the “Heavy” unit. Here is the concept art the RocketSnail team has put together for this unit:

Concept 1:

Concept 2:

Concept 3:

Concept 4:

After all this concept art, the team uploaded a 3D model of the “Heavy” unit. Here is the video they uploaded:

[youtube width=560 height=315][/youtube]

That is all the stats and concept art for this unit. Come back next week to see the “Recon” Unit!


Today, the Mech Mice Facebook page posted more info on the Grunt Unit. Here are images of the posts:

Post 1:

Post 2:

Post 3:

Wow! This concept-art is great! I love how the guns run on berries! You wouldn’t expect that from the look of the gun! What do you like best about these posts? Let us know in a comment!


Recently, the Mech Mice Facebook account has been active once again. Here are screenshots of what they posted:

Thursday, October 18th

That was a very rough screenshot of how the commander will look in the game. Here is the second post:

This is basically an advertisement for the Mech Mice Twitter account. Now we move on to the next day’s posts.

Friday, October 19th:

This shows that Mech Mice has updated their Facebook cover photo. Here is a bigger version of the image:

Later that day, they posted this video. But due to coding difficulties,  we cannot display the video at this time. Here is the Facebook post regarding the video and a verified link to the video:

Here is the link to the video you can watch on YouTube:

[youtube width=560 height=315][/youtube]

Alright mice! That is all the news for now, but be sure to check back later for more Mech Mice updates!


Today and yesterday, the Mech Mice Facebook released pictures of the commander. Here is the post with the commander stats.

He looks pretty intense!!! Here is another image of his blaster they released today!

That looks awesome! Some serious weaponry! Do you like the guns and the commander? Let us know with a comment!


Today after MONTHS of being inactive,  the Mech Mice Facebook page has posted an image of a commander unit. Here is an image of the post.

Wow! That looks great! You might have noticed our own author Tinkarobert97 has left the first comment on the post. Very quick commenting skills, Robert. Here is a bigger version of the image posted.

I think that looks really great! Also, the Mech Mice twitter account tweeted an update concerning the Facebook post. Here is an image of the tweet.

Great news! I’m glad there is another weekly update for us! Do you like the picture of the commander? Let us know with a comment!

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