Have you ever wondered why monkeys are always playing Mini-Games for Banana Chips? – How do you get banana chips? Loads of monkeys around the island like Banana Chips as they are helpful on getting catalog items and new things at Traderz or changing your monkeys hair stype / color.
Banana Chips are used to buy items at Traderz buying furniture, clothes and more. They are good for future clothing and furniture catalogs. Here is a few ways of getting banana chips.
Play Mini-Games
There are several games on MiniMonos, which you can play and gets heaps of Banana Chips. Monkeys have a specific game they like and they love and play over and over. Choose a game what you like and play that and learn about it, the ways you can get loads of Banana Chips!
Buy Banana Chips
MiniMonos has a method of buying Banana Chips by Paypal, which it doesn’t really cost a lot of money but you get heap loads of them.
Participate into contest and giveaways what MiniMonos have on the Go Bananas Blog.
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