Marco has been going around the MiniMonos island and has once again found tons of exciting pictures. We got some rooting for their favorite team, favorite game, and even thanking people for the ranks they have achieved. That makes a perfect combination. Without anymore further ado, let’s see the pictures Marco has for us today.
The first picture we have today is from 53 and Finn. They love the new Banana Splat game which you can reach at the Banana Grove. I think it is awesome as well!

Our second picture is from Bannagirl04 and Bubble98. They are hanging out at the VIP Room at Bimini Rocks. You can reach this room as well and hang out with your awesome monkey buddies if you have a MiniMonos gold membership.

Our third picture is Technobanana. He made the MaxiMonkey program for the month of August, and he wants to thank MiniMonos for putting him through. Congratulations on becoming MaxiMonkey, Technobanana!

Our second to last picture today is from Mars2100. He is showing off his awesome MaxiMonkey shirt! Congratulations on being MaxiMonkey, Mars2100!

And our last picture today is from a group of monkeys. They are rooting for their favorite Epic Monkey Games team and London 2012 team, GB! That’s awesome. You can show off your awesome Epic Monkey Games prize with your friends as well.

Marco gave us some nice pictures today, like any week! I liked every single on of these pictures we had this week, because they all have something unique in common.