I know a lot of monkeys out there that have wanted to tell the MiniMonos Team about costume ideas or suits ideas they wanted to see in MiniMonos..
Have you ever wanted to tell The MiniMonos Team about what kind of costumes or suits you’d like to see on MiniMonos?

Well monkeys, you now have the chance to do that! – The MiniMonos HQ have got an amazing contest for you to enter. The Team would like to know what YOU would design if you could pick any costume or suit for your monkey to wear.
To enter the contest though, you will need to:
- Draw or paint a picture of your costume! You can draw your picture on your computer or on paper and take a picture of it.
- Send your picture to contests@minimonos.com – be sure to include your monkeyname and tell us about your costume.
Kinggo3 has generously donated half of the prizes for the winning designs – thank you, Kinggo3! If your design picture is one of the top three, you will win one of these prize packs:
- First place: 1-Month MiniMonos Gold Membership
- Second place: 25 Shells and 2,500 Banana Chips
- Third place: 25 each of I am Green Firework, I am Red Firework & I am Blue Firework xPowers
Even if you don’t win this contest, you will earn the special Fan Art Top Cap- pretty awesome if you ask us!
All entries must be sent to the MiniMonos HQ by January 15th. What are you waiting for monkeys? — Start designing your costume today!