Pottermore Day 5 Clue Cheats

Here is the question for day 5: What is the house number of the Headquarters for The Order of the Phoenix in Grimmauld Place? Multiply this number by 21.

The answer is to the question is 12, and 12 x 21 = 252, so browse to http://quill.pottermore.com/252. To get the quill, on the banner click on the top (shown below), click and get the glowing feather. Afterwards, click on “Now begin your journey”.

The registration process afterwards is pretty much self explanatory. Be sure to activate your account after you register (and use a valid email too). You will receive an email like the following, typically minutes after registration (although it can take longer).

Best of luck to everyone! Note lots of users are having issues with this. Feel free to join our chat while you wait:

62 thoughts on “Pottermore Day 5 Clue Cheats

  1. I got the right answer for day 5 yet I was not allowed to find the magic quill. Is there a limited number of people who are allowed early entry?

    • That’s the right site, you just have to look for the ad at the top of the page, saying catch the magical quill, once you click on the right quill, you can register

  2. Thank you so much, I got in. I worked out the answer but had no idea where to find the quill.

  3. oh my god i got in! i got in!
    this is my big day
    OMG OMG OMG OMG thank you so much
    i’m jumping and crying ohh
    i’m so happy!!

    • Oh well screw me sideways, it turns out that the whole miollin people thing WAS the magical quill challenge and the early registration link that was up at first was only to register your email address to get a notification when the site opens.Emma recently posted..

  4. i got in and i clicked “create my account” but this yellow box appeared and said to write the letters in the image…i’m not seeing an image

  5. how long does it take to get the welcome email? i registered and everything, i have an account but it says that it takes a while to actually be allowed in. how long is that?

    • we know for sure the emails will be distributed once the quill challenge ceases. 🙂 it varies though. just be patient!

    • they are going to start sending the welcome emails at the conclusion of the quill challenge (so from mayby the 8th of august possible a little later), and they will be sending them inline with when people registered, so day 1, then day 2 people etc.

  6. If you are seeing STACKS as the top banner, just scroll up a bit and click the magic quill banner! Did the same thing 😛

    Im now registered!! 😀

    • if you didnt end up getting in for day 5, try again tomorrow but make sure you go to ‘quill.pottermore.com/#insert appropriate number here#’ as if you just put the number behind the pottermore website youll end up at said vanished page.

  7. I see no banner to click on…what’s up? Does it go away after a maximum number of people have entered? I went to Pottermore.com to see if registration has closed for the day and the clue is still up…any ideas?

  8. At the top of the screen where the ad should be I’m seeing a satellite TV ad..
    Am I too late?

    • I’m afraid so. During the period where it was up, there was a Harry Potter ad for me.

  9. I CAN’T SEE THE TWO WORDS :(( i need help.. i’ve been trying to get on for three days :((( please? help me? i’m sleep-deprived and pottermore-deprived :(((

    • same here… was able to find the Quill and register thrice(!) but always got stuck in Step 7 and cannot finish because the “two words” on getting a username page do not appear. i tried safari, chrome, and firefox, all failed on my mac. what seems to be the problem?

    • I got into pottermore on first dy am only 10 yh so i dont want any dating on it or u will ge reported and here is ma name for ir SkyScarlet25 🙂

  10. I solved the clue and found the magical quill like 3 times, but everytime I hit “register” I get redirected to the Pottermore site with only the clue showing, until registration finally closed. WHYY?!

    I am SO close to crying right now.

  11. I was on pttermore when the clue was given, i solved it the answer was 252, but when i put it in the url they gave me that was spose to lead me to the magic quill. instead i got lead to the frickin harry potter scholastic website. it didnt make sence, i thought it was a mistake so i kept trying putting in the website URL. after my like fifth try, i decided to look on the stacks website it lead me to. But by that time registration was closed. UUGGHH! i was soo close! ill just have to try again 2maro.

    • You had to look up for the banner. That’s where you find the quill. It’s okay, you’ve got two more opportunities and the questions are going to get easier!

  12. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I could NOT figure out where to find the stinkin’ quill! You saved me! I got registered and got my welcome email (took about 30 minutes to get the email)! I’M IN POTTERMORE!! YAY!!!

  13. It’s been 4 hours and I haven’t gotten my confirmation email. What should I do? I’m using Gmail by the way 🙁

  14. I still haven’t got my confirmation email. It’s been 4 hours now. Is there something wrong? I used Gmail.

  15. Is there any way I can change my name??? Its hideous,my brother chose it..hawthornpumpkin7 🙁

    • Unfortunately, Pottermore gives you 5 choices, and you must pick one of them. There’s always the option of creating a new one.

  16. Whoever helped out my daughter yesterday for the day 5 clue and registry THANK YOU SO MUCH!! She accidently put in something in the email( typing too fast)address and had to redo it all again, your link helped ever so much and now we are just waiting for our Welcome email GOOD LUCK EVERYONE This is going to be such a blast!

  17. i got through onto the registration page, but i can’t see the image with the two words i have to retype.. so therefore i can’t submit my email :(. do you know how to get the image up!? ive refreshed the page, it won’t worrk

  18. O.o so i got in on day 2 😀 but i was sitting up waiting for the question to come up and i kept thinking they should totally have a harry potter chat for all of those hundreds of harry potter fans who are staying up all night! lol cool that this is here. i just hope i get my letter before the tenth… its like a hogwarts letter! 😀 O.o and i just looove that i have snidget in my name 😀

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