Pottermore Art: The Boy Who Lived

Lots of amazing artwork has been uploaded to Pottermore over the last few weeks, and today we are going to post some of them here (also posted on the Pottermore Insider). A selection of user-submitted art will be posted beginning with Chapter 1, and going all the way until Chapter 17.

These artwork has been created by (from left to right, up to down) StarGlow43, MirrorElm101, CatPurple111, OwlMoonstone115, UnicornWillow100, RoseSilver145, LightShadow142,and RoseMoonstone119.

Also, apologies for our blog being slightly out of dated in the last few weeks. We have been quite busy dealing with the numerous other blogs found on Cheats Whiz. We have began working on the Pottermore Guides, so you can refer to it if you are having difficulty with any chapter.