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New Makeable On Tinkatolli!

Hey Tinkas,

Tinkatolli has just added a new makeable in their virtual world that Tinkas can now create! The makeable will is now able to made in the FurnitureShop. There’s not much junk needed to make it, all you need is some of the new junk on Tinkatolli such as the new toothpick and new nasal spray box and some other common items such as a bottle cap, rubber band, a candy wrapper and a matchstick . Below is a picture of it  :

My Mailbox- 


My Built-In Mailbox – 

Pretty awesome, right? It looks so similar to the original version. Tinkas will soon be able to send e-cards, letters and gifts in the future! What do you think of it? Please leave a comment below!

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