Tinkatolli has just announced the new Mailbox which Joelle had made. You are able to make it by going to the FurnitureShop.
You will need:
- 100 TinkaPoints
- 1 Toothpick – Located in Kelp Key
- 1 Matchstick
- 1 Rubber Band
- 1 Wrapper
- 1 Nasal Spray Box – Located in Bluff’s Base & Kelp Key
This is what it looks like outside, near your door of your TinkaPad.
Yahooo! Finally! Well done Joelle, and thanks for being so patient!
guess I’ll go box hunting…
Your mailbox looks awesome, Joelle! However I’m having trouble with finding the toothpick and the nasal spray box… any ideas on where I could find ’em (like certain rooms)?
Hi Sweet! 🙂
Joelle is out at the moment and sure you usually can get the toothpick at the Kelp Key and the Nasal Spray box at Bluffs Base.
Thanks, Loki! I managed to find the toothpick and the Nasal Spray Box at Kelp Key (I also found one in Bluff’s Base)!