Hey Tinkas,
Today is TinkaLuke’s birthday! For those who don’t know who he is, he’s the Staff member who designs all the amazing graphics in the game of Tinkatolli, but who also moderates the game as well as many more fantastic things we may not know about . He’s also an endlessly friendly and cool guy who enjoys chatting on Tinkatolli, helping other Tinkas out when they’re in need of help and cheering them up when they’re down! So, on behalf of the Tinkatolli Tricks team and the testers we would like to wish you a very Tinkatastic birthday, in the company of all your closest relatives and friends, as you entirely fully deserve it! Thank-you so much for helping create the extraordinary and stunning world of Tinkatolli.
From, Joelle, Loki Terry and Sol.
Click HERE to watch the video!
If the embedded video below doesn’t work, click on the red “here” and you’ll be re-directed to the video to watch it on YouTube or on the video click “Watch on YouTube”.
Nice vid guys! 3 of my favorite moments:
1. Me @ 2:14 – Self favoritism! xD
2. Someone saying “Happy Birthday Luke?!” LOL – @ 1:43
Thanks! You all did a great job 🙂
Haha, great!
I am in xD
Happy Birthday Luke!:D
Naww I never get to be in your guys videos O: I’m always at school while you make the xDD
Hey! I am 2:09 I am the guy on the left.. Love it! Great work Tinkatolli Cheats great blog! And great help, and very awesome slideshow.
Thanks so much, all of you! It really was a perfect tune to start my day with! I still find myself coming back to see it again and again.
Love the happy birthday image at top too! Well done! 🙂
You totally deserved it, Luke! 🙂
No thanks needed luke! (: I made the happy birthday image (I made other graphics on the blog too) ;D I hope you had a great day!