Tinkatolli has released the 34th edition of their daily newspaper. Today, they’ve announced the new winner of the WOOT Wednesday contest, gaining the rare WOOT badge as well as 100 seeds. A big congratulations to Cheweh with his beautiful drawing. The Make-A-Makeable contest is ending tomorrow at noonwhen nominees will be announced, so hurry up Tinkas and submit your chair to have a chance of it being built into Tinkatolli! Trader Tinka has left the island of Tinkatolli to go and trade with other Islanders, but should be back soon to trade with us and get us yet another step closer to gaining the Trader Tiro badge, or for others, getting another rare item like the bread tie.
WOOT Staff Pick Badge Winner –
Ending Date of Make-A-Makeable –
Trader Tinka’s Leave –
I think the drawing looks amazing, very well done! What do you Tinkas think of it? I also can’t wait for the nominations to be announced for the Make-A-Makeable contest! Loki has submitted his very own chair and deserves your vote, so please vote! Did you manage to find the clothespin and trade with him to get a step closer to the Trader Tiro badge and level 4, or did you decide to keep it? I traded with him as I really want that badge although I hope the pin returns as it’s quite rare!
Hehe I traded with trader tinka because I really want the rare Trader Tiro badge and level 4, and I think Cheweh’s drawing is really good!