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Tinkazette Edition #36

Tinkatolli has released the 36th edition of their daily newspaper. Today, they’ve announced the winner of the TinkaFair contest. A big congratulations to Vilius with his amazing SpaceShip which has gained him the rare, Builder badge on his status! The Nominations of the Make-A-Makeable Chair contest have also been announced so pop into the TinkaFair to vote for your favourite chair to be shortly built into Tinkatolli! VOTE FOR LOKI TERRY! Trader Tinka has returned to the island of Tinkatolli to trade with us Tinkas for the 3rd time for the Trader Tiro badge leading to level 4 ! He has some more cool items in store for us, so go and check it out!

TinkaFair Contest Winner –  

TinkaFair Nominations Announced – 

Trader Tinka Status (Online) – 

Trader’s Location (Junkatolli, Bottom centre) – 


Trader’s Offer – Rare Item (TinkerTown) – 

Nasal Spray (Junkatolli) 

Stones & Slate (Stinkatolli) – 

Spring (Kelp Key) & (Stinkatolli)


What do you think of the winning makeable? I think it looks so cool, I can’t wait for it to be built in so I could place it in my pad or even use it in the future to travel to maybe some other place in Tinkatolli, how exciting! Who will you be voting for at the TinkaFair for the Make-A-Makeable contest ? Trader Tinka is back, what do you think of the items he has to offer? Did you trade with him? Let us know below!

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