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Open Beta Tinka Seek Contests!

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Loki Terry and I will also be holding 2 Tinka Seek contests, one on Friday 30th September at 8PM – 9PM (Tinkatolli Standard Time) ,  Saturday 1st October at 11PM – 12AM (TST) and Sunday 2nd October at 11PM – 12AM (TST). To find out the Tinkatolli Standard time, all you have to do is login on Tinkatolli and in the top right corner, place your cursor on the Clock icon, the time shown on the right is the Tinkatolli time. All you have to do is find a hidden Tinka such as me or Loki Terry.

  • Also within TinkaSeek for Sunday October 2nd we will be doing a little bit of Tinka Anagram! & also a Quiz! – Tomorrow will be a big day, so make sure you join us!

Rules – (Must Read!) 

First one to find Loki or Me (depending who is hiding) will get 5 points, in the end the one with the most points gets the best prize, we will also be awarding good prizes to second and third and little minor prizes for every Tinka who took part.

If you found Loki or Me (depending who is hiding) then go back to Sundunia, Loki or I will know who found us first as we will take a note.

If you are LOST, or it has been over 5 minutes and you can’t find Loki or I then go back to Sundunia! – (Even if you can’t find Loki or I, we will return after 5 minutes to let you tinkas know that no one found either of us and we will hide somewhere else ).

If you don’t know what’s going on, Solsolsol9 will be at Sundunia always and will inform you what’s going on.

If any “cheating” happens meaning if you go and find Loki before Joelle or (whoever is hiding at that time) has said “GO”, then you will not be counted if you find whoever is hiding before they are ready.

Depending who is hiding, I or Loki should be at Sundunia at all times.

We will NOT be hiding in places you will need a boat for ( Kelp Key & Bluff’s Base )

Don’t use the map when we move to see which room we are in!

You must say “FOUND” or “Found you” or something on those lines!

Let us know if you’re coming of it you don’t know the time by commenting below!

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