Hey Tinkas,
After checking out the forum, I saw Kevin had opened a new thread where he asks for Tinkatesters’ opinions on the way they should go about inviting Tinkas to Open Beta. Below I have quoted his message. To reply to his message, just click on HERE
Hello there Tinkas,
We have a few ideas that we would like to get your feedback on. As some of you have noticed, the new sign-up form has an invite code. The reason for this has to do with how we are going to do open beta. At least in the beginning, open beta will not be completely open, it will be based on an invitation system.
We need to work with an invitation system a bit longer because we would still like to be able to control access until we feel that some more key things are tested. However, we know that a lot of you have friends that would like to play, and we would really like to keep the waiting list as short as possible.
Here is the rough plan:
1. There will be a certain number of free spots available each day. If somebody stumbles across the site and signs-up, there is a good chance they will get a free spot and be able to play the same day. If there are no more free spots for the day, the person will be put on the waiting list, and will get an invitation soon after.
2. If a kid has an invitation from Tinkatoll HQ, or from a player on Tinkatolli, they will be able to sign up and play right away.
3. Players new to Tinkatolli will be able to invite up to 10 other kids to play.
4. Players who are beyond level 2 will be able to invite as many as they like.
What we would like your feedback on, is how much of a game we should make out of the inviting (or if we should make a game out of it at all). For example, we were thinking that we could give a badge to any player who invited a friend and helped them get to level 2. As you can probably imagine, we could have all kinds of contests around invitations and give all kids of rewards (one idea was to give a Tinka T-shirt to the player who got the most of their invitees to level 2).
We can see how this could be a lot of fun, but we can also see how some players might not think this is fun at all.
Since you TinkaTesters always have well thought out opinions on things, we thought we would ask you what you think.
I love tinkatolli stay cool tinkas! <3