Hey Tinkas,
Trader Tinka has returned to Tinkatolli. He’s offering 50 seeds, 50 tinkapoints, 4 paperclips, a creme periwinkle shell in exchange for a passive soldier, a black guitar pick, 2 champagne wires, 4 osier leaves and a water bottle. For some Tinkas, this may be the 10th trade and the trade that will give them the Trader X badge!
Trader Tinka’s Location (Tinkertown)
Trader Tinka’s Offer
Guitar Pick – Stinkatolli
Passive Soldier – Sundunia
Osier Leaf – Canopia
Water Bottle – Sundunia
Champagne Wire – Junkatolli
Amount of TradesTrader X Badge
i didnt found the solider :/
It’s in different places in Sundunia
Is there Like a trick to get my seeds? I really need some and when I need junk so I can trade I always need to get seeds. Please Help.
Nope, I can just say the quickest way is playing Shelldiggr or 3Up