Hey Tinkas,
Tinkatolli has added a new ‘Take Me Home’ button on our playercards.
Tinkatolli has also updated the bootcamp for new Tinkas. There’s a new, cute welcome page after the rules page
They’ve added a new ‘Make your new Tinka page where you have to click on the Tinkamaker tab
Some features in the Tinkamaker are locked as they’re only for members.
You are taken to an empty hill and you now have to watch a training video which shows you the basics of Tinkatolli – feeding your Tinka, collecting items etc
A pop up saying you can watch some more help videos by clicking on the help button on the top left.
You get alerts telling you how many blings you have collected and need for the badge/next move, possibly for doing other things to.
Inviting people to your pad is now a members only thing too
These are great updates are great! The new button is useful as you don’t waste any acorns when going to your pad and you can now get there much quicker. The bootcamp update is also much more useful for new Tinkas. What do you think of the updates, Tinkas?
I don’t like the last update. I believe everyone should be able to see your Pad.
They can see the pictures
What if they don’t have a picture?
Like Dsung, I don’t like this update. 🙁
I guess 🙁